Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tough Tits Tuesday

My darling chicklets, troche I spent the weekend recovering from Fuck You Friday. That was a lot of fucking you! And you were there. And you. Oh, medicine you really had it coming.

Monday was an epic debacle, from the moment of waking to never really falling asleep last night. I covered a lot of ground, ranging from providing an embarrassingly lackluster answer to a group of Brazilian financiers to failing to kill or at least maim someone who honestly deserved it.

After determining there really is no easy way to get on the roof of 75 State and fling myself off,  I had the presence of mind to retreat to my shame cave (has free wifi) and have a sandwich.  It seems 90% of my problems turn out to resolve to Actually Just Hungry. The other 10%? I was born this way.

It’s Totally OK to Hate Me Because I am Beautiful

Hey guess what?  Fuck you!  The Internet says so.  But then it apologizes, sorta.  If you are like me then you have been very busy making sure small paper clips do not get mixed into the cup with big paper clips.*  And also reading encapsulations *about* stupid articles in the Daily Mail.  The above pictured woman wrote a lengthy lament about how beauty has made her life very difficult, along with the occasional free salad.  And she was summarily pilloried, partly because our paternalistic society will not permit female boasting, and partly because people enjoy pummeling a soft, weak, pudgy target.  The internet apologized today for some reason.  Perhaps it has decided that this actually is what passes for beauty in Britain.

We do not take sides, we think you are all pretty unsightly.  You still haven’t learned to check the rear view before setting out.  And you know what else, Fuck You!

And now I must fly in the face of this intolerance of the ladyboast:  I am totally above average in most senses, and care not a whit about who knows it and finds it a bother.  I do take umbrage at my failure to be accorded free salad!

*Fuck you, paperclip!

Fuck You Friday: Can’t Give It Away

Lambchop couldn’t find her phone, but I, I have bigger crappy problems. Don’t worry, we always strive to lovingly one-up each other, once running for president of Vomitola only to have no one vote. But that’s how it goes: who can apply more makeup at one time? Who is first mistaken for a whore when we set foot upon the curb? Who gets to kick the chair out from under that guy this time?

Anyway, what was this about? MY problems. I am chilly! I am being trifled with! I lost my gum and then I found it, but I wish I had bought another flavor instead! There was a little too much sea weed in my soup. Someone needs to file these papers that litter my desk and answer all these emails.

In conclusion, fuck that guy. No, really, fuck THAT guy. And fuck you! It’s Friday!

Fuck You Friday: Split the Indifference!

It’s Fuck You Friday.  This is not a time to howl into the winds about the callous nature of existence, or to swear vengeance on the score of some family blood feud.  It is a day for deploring petty crap!  Did you know that I spent several seconds searching for my phone this morning?  I do not enjoy that!  At work, the hot water dispenser furnished water that was COLD.  One cannot make tea with *that*!  Pretty soon I am deluged with idiotic questions at the top of email chains whose bottoms contain the answers (don’t they always- faw faw faw) and it is truly Fuck You Friday.  My deskmate has called in sick, so she is probably off enjoying herself.  Fuck You.

There is a hole in the toe of my stockings.
I made my monthly student loan payment.
It could definitely be a bit warmer.
I haven’t any gum!

Oh, now don’t work yourself up into a lather.  This is no time for rosacea or spitting while you talk, it makes you look Irish.  For this kind of disdain we are all for keeping it casual.  After all, it *is* Friday.

Sexy Thursday bumped for Fuck You Friday

Lambchop and I mulled over having Sexy Thursday, but due to supremely sexy circumstances beyond our control, we decided to cancel Thursday for this week. Glad that’s not hanging over our heads any longer! We have moved on, to the grand tradition of Fuck You Friday!

What happens on Fuck You Friday? A lot can happen, that’s what. This is a great time to tell someone you hate him or her, or just have sex with that person, depending on the situation. So to be fully prepared, I like to back up my files and make sure I’m wearing nice undies. It’s really what you make of the day.

Try a little tenderness

I honestly can’t remember why I ever saved this picture to my “MUST USE” folder, but then again, why wouldn’t I have saved it? Perhaps it’s a commentary on impostor syndrome or the vulnerability of the creative state, or perhaps it’s an accurate description of my preferred workplace dress code. We’ll never know, will we?

OK, we do know. I would totally work naked given the option. And I am, thank god.

Where did we last leave your intrepid narrators? I chose to turn to page 33, and I was eaten by a bear. Stupid move. Lambchop opted for page 18, and she was rewarded with the discovery of pirate treasure! This is just not fair. OK, I’m in a room. I see a door. There is a table with a key on it.

What actually happened? I left the country, but they wouldn’t keep me. Prescription drugs rain like lemon drops. My personal life continues to gracefully degrade, and my professional life, well, see above. Each day is an ongoing horror fest, punctuated by the sublime. I haven’t been to a grocery store since early 2011, so there’s that.

The Good, the Bad, and the Actually Quite Nice

Why is it that *I* am not accorded painkillers like so many candy dots?  I would make just as much use of them as Mary would!  I know, it is because she has that thin veneer of responsibility, like the shell on a four minute egg.  Give me a silver spoon and I will scoop out its precious, buttery insides.  I have been in near constant pain for the last month or so, but the old truism is truly true, “those that do not complain are never pitied.”

Speaking of COMPLAINING, I was just talking with a friend about one of the greater crimes of humanity, when people complain about being busy with all the good things they have going on.  This is an indirect boast, and an infuriating one, as it seems to ask your consideration and solace, for a condition of abundance.  “Ohhhhh dear, I am soooo sorry to hear you have several performances lined up and you have many dinners to attend.  And answering email besides???  Please allow me to flog myself for your pleasure that you might have an instant of entertainment to alleviate such misery.”  The good life is terribly hard to bear.

Not that I would know.

For my part I am mounting a solo show at Dacia Galeria on the Lower East Side, January 18-Feb 4.  There will be a delightful collection of paintings, and I hope you will come and see it.  The opening reception is January 19.  I may wear a hat.

On Friday night I was feeling totally beset.  I found out that something ghastly will be have to be performed on my shoulder under general anesthesia, and my dentist surprised me with a root canal.  Even though he knows I hate them!  I gummed my rice porridge with preserved egg, rather inattentive to my two lovely friends as I steeped in woe.  I also told them the wrong date for the opening I wanted to attend, so after dinner we were met with a closed gate where a party might have been.  At this moment, I could not have been more low, and thought only of a blanket to chew on with some percocet.

We wandered aimlessly down the street, about to call it a night, when we came upon a man dancing in front on a camera, wearing a sequined jacket, a t-shirt that said “fight for your right to party” and a cat mask.  We stopped to take his picture and he invited us “on an adventure”.  We blinked at each other and said, why not?  Why not accompany this seeming crazy person to his kill room?  Or whatever.  He led us down the street, filming all the while, and instructed us to take turns walking romantically for the camera, in front of a house that may have been used in a Woody Allen film.  Then he asked us if we would be willing to kiss a rabbit.  We were all game for this, but he announced that we would have to run, as we were late!  Really. Late for a date?  With a rabbit?  Indeed, he led us on a spirited jog down the street, through traffic, the camera rolling, until we reach the Cooper Union Cube, where more masked people with cameras awaited us.  Suddenly a man in a pink tuxedo and rabbit mask, the hero of the night, arrived and swept me off my feet.  I kissed the rabbit.  He then tore away his costume, handing it over to me and we embraced.  It was truly a special moment.

Much to our astonishment, we were then led into a theater, where a very large crowd were assembled, roaring with applause as the actors ran into the theater, cameras still running.  Apparently, the audience made their appearance at the end of this film, Super Night Shot, in which we became accidental stars.  The film was very funny and made up of lovely moments.  And then we three show up, the sequence totally unedited.  A swell of Sigur Ros amid rabbit kiss.  Beautiful!  The actors lead me onstage to take a bow.  And that is how I went from crying into my congee, to receiving boisterous applause on the stage of the Public Theater, within the space of an hour.  When you need something, I suppose it is often delivered.

Kelsey, Admiral and I had some champagne to celebrate the night’s strangeness.  And Kelsey realized, we had done this before.

No shoes, no shirt and I still get serviced

Darlings, I find I get much more service when I take my shirt off. It’s a game changer in any argument. Try it.

Today, I just don’t even know! Things, stuff, goings on. New Hampshire loves a wing nut, so that’s not surprising. Santorum in the rear? This stuff writes itself. You don’t need me, jerks.

All I know is I got home somehow, in a rage fugue, after a long day of God knows what (answering stupid questions, interviewing a stupid person, attending stupid meetings, making my standard yet perpetually popular suggestion of “ambush makeovers!”), and there was a bouquet of Percocet waiting for me. Was it Valentine’s Day already? No, someone just didn’t want it. Well, I never.

I am so genuinely touched that when people seek to discard medication, they think of me. “Ah, Licketysplit will take that!”  I’m like your neighborhood health department, only I don’t make you wait for one special day to offload your contraband.

Next thing I know, I’m having a bikini fashion show courtesy of a giant Zappos box. I love when I order things yesterday and then forget all about it. And the things show up today! Which is now! A while ago that is. I went to change, and someone had been hot boxing in the bathroom. Not me, but I appreciated it. Then I aimlessly wandered around the house, forgetting why I was wearing a bathing suit. Damn it, Zappos, how am I supposed to return the things I over-ordered when everything looks so fabulous? Do I have the best taste or what? Hang on, let me tweet you a picture of how good my hair looks today.

Someone is talking at me. Why, why is that person talking? Am I listening? No. I don’t do that anymore. It makes life much more tolerable. Oh sweet Jesus, I just had to explain the term “Machiavellian.” Damn it, that was my fault for listening. OK, I slapped myself. Better.

Nothing’s gonna touch you in these golden years

First David Bowie takes our livestock, and now our entitlement programs? Bless him. If he can give the gift of swagger to the world and all its little Timberlakes and Biebers, he is allowed a measly check on the first of the month. I hope he is enjoying a lovely party with lots of “Sexty-five” balloons.

I have had a taxing week, which caused me to completely fail to post every day. How does that work? For some reason, I am now a professional meeting attendee. This would be fine, except I have no time to actually DO work. I just talk about doing work, then tell other people to do the work. Then I listen to wrathful music on my commute home, bolt some food if there is any prepared already, throw as many substances in my body as I can, and then it’s off to dream land, or more likely staring into the dark replaying irrelevant interactions. Like, yeah, I should have told that person to fuck herself, but live and learn. There’s always next time.

Then yesterday was an exhausting maelstrom of salon appointments and trips to Barneys, because who can get everything done in a single go-round? I think I also got Starbucks. And there was a real touch and go moment when I thought I had lost my sunnies, but they were already on! Haha!

Today I had a meltdown at the prospect of trying on bathing suits. Why is life so cruel? I die.

And tomorrow? I will attend work in a physical sense, but likely not a mental one. It will be like the opposite of astral projection.

I will dye the child’s hair raspberry red, as per her request. I will tear into a Zappos order and start a shame spiral and vow to live in nothing but caftans for the rest of my days. I still need to ruthlessly analyze my successes and failures of 2011. I give 10 points to House of Vomitola because I remained alive. But I must subtract 5 because of that whole Ryan Gosling thing. Another 5 for inconsistent skin care regimens. Another 5 down for recovering from anorexia. Oh, I can’t win for losing.

Grab somebody sexy, tell em hey

Hey girl, I had a better run than I did in 2010. At least I was not run over, unlike my poor Lambchop.

I did not lack for Klonopin, have surgery, move, or have any important breakdowns. I added many witty and attractive friends to my roster, and most of my existing friends remained witty and attractive. The exception has been properly counseled.

I got several jobs by simple virtue of not drooling on myself, and I am now on my second nemesis. I am closing out the year richer and thinner, which is apparently the American dream.

But there is still work to be done in the coming year. Did I sell the Indian Burial Ground?  Travel enough? Truly work at creative pursuits? Have sex with Ryan Gosling? Resolve my .375 life crisis? No.

I was all set to hunker down and berate myself for all the little things that perpetually go wrong and the larger things not yet accomplished. I was going to make A Plan. I would summon my plastic surgeon, my colorist, my trainer, my attorney, my accountants, and my therapist. I would set right the insults of aging and goad myself to superhuman levels of performance in all areas of life.

Then I realized that would be a lot of tedious work. And what do I ultimately prefer? No such thing.

Hence, a solution was born. Or rather casually regurgitated by the cloud with no effort on my part.

It’s Vomitola canon law that losers fuck themselves, so the real secret is to get out of one’s own way. And be the ball. If you build it, you may get sued. So don’t. Even.