All posts by Licketysplit
OK, rodents, I already posted this to my super secret personal internet homepage, but I think it bears repeating for a wider audience.
Mr. H told me a funny story the other night. I treated him to “Wackity-Schmackity Doo” because that’s been stuck in my head for days, thanks to Lambchop, and he told me about this guy at work that says “bee-booo” if you ask him how his day is going, but there is a poor result on that particular day.
“Bee-booo” harks back to a time the guy left his Roomba running, and he and his wife went out for the night and came home to find the Roomba, marooned in the corner, jammed with cat shit, yes, after tracking it all over the house, just mournfully moaning “bee-booo, bee-booo.” Sad Roomba beats sad Keanu! So we all have it better than a Roomba, I hope.
Do we, George, do we? Do we have it better than a Roomba? Times are tight all over. Lambchop and I are literally scrivening our fingers to the bone like regular Bartlebys. We couldn’t even afford to go see BEDBUGS, the musical!
What’s that, you say, you saw us out brunching last week? We have been known to enjoy a spot of brunch. And besides, that was the V-2 summit. Those summits are always catered! Where else did you see us? Were you hiding behind a mailbox or popping out of a trash can? We wouldn’t put it past you.
Now I have to go Photoshop sad Keanu onto Morrissey’s back. THANKS ALOT.
(Because your kiss) Your kiss is on my chest
We are entering the bespoke t-shirt business!
It’s about time. We have Ideas. And Opinions. And what better way to share than the venerable yet humble message t-shirt? Make one for your dog today!
It was what it was.
And don’t forget about the Meta Mug. There’s a story to go with this one. That we will never, ever tell you. Try this one on a stein.
Such a little thing
Most people keep their brains between their legs (Don’t you find?)
[Reader submission: Thanks to Lisa Bliss Chin!]
Can’t Get Enough
You may have noticed we are rolling out some test mode password protected posts. These extra posts will supplement your daily diet of inelegant Photoshop work and New Romantic op-eds. They may detail such things as ACTUAL PLACES Lambchop and I go and ACTUAL THINGS we do, with ACTUAL PHOTOS, which may or may not be dirty. You know us. If you would like to request a password (or kvetch or shower us with golden praise, for that matter), you may do so with this form: aptly named Contact Us.
The other day, I went ON A PLANE. No one jumped out of an escape slide, and no one died, so it was an all together devastating experience. Of course I reviewed Licketysplit‘s Top Tips for Travel prior to boarding. I didn’t have to worry about this one:
If a child is annoying you, take it aside and kindly explain that you will flush it down the toilet, where it will immediately freeze solid as soon as it hits the outside air, followed by a 30,000 foot plummet into someone’s rumpus room.
Because Mr. H was sitting next to the child. He refused my offers of Canadian Xanax, and that is his loss. More for Lambchop and me. Oh piffle, chickens, I do not have to go all the way to Canada to get my pills. That is for other people. I have a crooked medical staff right here at home, although that staff’s receipt of an actual medical degree is potentially up for debate.
One thing my tips did NOT cover was this situation: A well-highlighted middle-aged harpy who still thinks she is very, very cute was sitting in the aisle diagonally across from me. When the flight attendant came around, she chirped “Oh! I know you! I remember you from another flight!” The attendant’s spine stiffened, and he flatly yet pleasantly replied “Coffee or tea, ma’am?”
“Oh, I will have the coffee,” she yipped. “It’s Dunkin’ Donuts, right?”
“It is, ma’am.”
“YES!” She actually fist pumped for Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. “Yay!” She stamped her booted feet in a little end zone dance.
Here I was left floundering. I restrained myself from slapping her across the side of the head with my copy of Half Empty. Reading David Rakoff and then witnessing such a display is a recipe for homicide if ever there were one. I would have sued him if I had actually hit her, of course.
Somehow, I simultaneously caught the eye of both Ashton the hapless and recognizable flight attendant and the girl to my left, and we all exchanged a silent anguished moan of pity and rage. What to do, indeed?
Well, on the return trip, I refrained from even making eye contact with Ashton. I am sure we both appreciated this small courtesy in the face of such epidemic joyfulness.
Protected: Tender Vittles
Killing of a Flash Boy
Speaking of our demographic… Advertisers, patient take note! Â Fans, you, too, can like us on Facebook, ideally with delightful results.
But there ain’t just one way
So you choose the fun way, try slide down the runway on a ticket that goes two ways
[Reader submission. Thanks HDJ!]
You’re the Nemesis! No, You’re the Nemesis!
Show of hands here: who considers Lambchop to be his or her personal nemesis, and who spent last night weeping into a stray sock because Lambchop suggested that someone else is her own nemesis? Are you just trying to make us jealous? Well, it worked. We all hopped on AIM and started sharing stories of remi-nemesis-ing.
“Once she drove over my foot with a car! And she doesn’t even have a license.”
“She always called me fat in the bathroom at Man Ray!”
“She took my gummy worms right out of my mouth!”
“She used to call ME ‘The Shaven Ape.'”
“Well, *I* was BunnyTits!”
“I was Pizza Hat!”
You get the idea.
Now, a stiff poll!
[polldaddy poll=3937916]
BLT is Murder
[thanks to Violet Shuraka and her sweatshop of comely persons!]