This song makes me wish Alien Sex Fiend had put out an entire Christmas album. It would have gone something like this:
1. Crack Santa
2. Buy me sh$t
3. I ain’t wearing socks
4. Stocking’s Full of Drugs
5. My Mistletoe
6. Hung From the Tree
7. Sit on my knee, tell me what you want
8. What happened on my Christmas Bender?
9. Cocaine Sleigh
10. F@#$ this Holiday
But it’s cool, I can just put on “Here Cum Germs” and pretend the entire thing is about Christmas. It works for just about anything.
This is what they pay me to do, kids. Sit around and dream up the really good ideas.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Heather Morgan. Heather Morgan said: RT @vomitola: Stuff a turkey/ in your pants/put on sex fiend and dance dance dance […]
We should tweet this to Nik Fiend. Get to work, man!