I can’t write content today because I came down with the bird flu overnight. I asked Mr. H to write my content, and he helpfully dictated “Wah, wah, wah, I’m sick, wah wah.” That’s about right, but I’m divorcing him anyway. So here I wallow, watching terrible TV and trying to take advantage of my good nostril. So far, I’ve seen a preview for “Skating with Celebrities.” What about “Brain Surgery with the B-List?”
Haw haw, thanks to this post, this Google ad appeared.
I found your site because of a reference you made to brave new world some entries back. On reading your journal, I am delighted. Whilst I am trying to kick my blogging habit in hopes of spending more time in the real world, I was delighted to find a new fix as well-written as yours. Thanks for keeping me from wretched reality a little longer. Cheers.
Dave 🙂