Today only! Interview with a folksinging exposure victim!
Notorious T.I.M.: I almost died today waiting for the redline at Harvard..
Notorious T.I.M.: folk singers
Licketysplit: no!
Notorious T.I.M.: you would have gotten such a laugh
Notorious T.I.M.: there is this new pair
Licketysplit: worse than carnies!
Notorious T.I.M.: man and woman
Notorious T.I.M.: they sing in harmony
Notorious T.I.M.: he plays guitar
Notorious T.I.M.: so after seeing that preview I’m dying laughing
Licketysplit: how revolting it must have been for you!
Notorious T.I.M.: the T was backed up so I got stuck listening to like 5 or 6 songs
Notorious T.I.M.: I came in at “River runs deep”
Licketysplit: holy shit
Notorious T.I.M.: which had the same chorus over and over that said “deep” like 8 times
Licketysplit: do they do this kind of thing to be *funny*?
Notorious T.I.M.: river runs deep, the river runs deep, deeper than the deep valley to the deep sea, river runs deep
Notorious T.I.M.: no
Notorious T.I.M.: I don’t think so
Notorious T.I.M.: then there was “hercules and einstein”
Licketysplit: oh man i’m cracking up
Notorious T.I.M.: then they broke into “give a little kindness”
Notorious T.I.M.: which had the best line of “loving your neighbor/ looks good on paper”
Notorious T.I.M.: “but its really hard to live that way” or something
Notorious T.I.M.: I didn’t think it could get any cheesier but
Notorious T.I.M.: then came “You’ve got to have a backup plan”
Licketysplit: gack!
Licketysplit: nothing like starting your day on a totally surreal footing
Notorious T.I.M.: it’s main chorus line was something like “you’ve got to have something to fall back on, you have to have a little something on the side”
Licketysplit: did you write this shit down?
Notorious T.I.M.: so sometimes he starts in with his light guitar playing and sings, then she comes in and they sing in harmony the rest of the song
Notorious T.I.M.: haha, no I just had to listen for so long
Notorious T.I.M.: I tried to remember on purpose because I had to tell you
Licketysplit: i am so glad you did!
Notorious T.I.M.: I’ve seen them like twice now
Notorious T.I.M.: but today I listened
Licketysplit: this is totally reviving me from my marginally hungover state
Notorious T.I.M.: they were straight out of the movie [A Mighty Wind]
Notorious T.I.M.: they made me want to jump in front of the next train