
November 06, 2003

You turn to us

kitty winn
alien souveniers
antoinette k-doe
bad kitty skulls cat
cat anal leakage ?sex
choire sicha scorpio
crawfish drive thru new Orleans
do dachshunds wheeze
g-l-a-m-b-o-y steve strange
heather morgan god
how do goths lose weight
kitty winn rumors
louis vuitton on newbury street
marabou christmas tree

And Heather and I are happy to serve, for we love our audience.

Actually, we are a smidge appalled by some of those investigations. Most importantly, Louis Vuitton is in the frigtastic Copley Mall, not on Newbury Street. I should know, they made the bags under my eyes this week. As an aside, hard work is really bad for my appearance.

Also, I am just kidding, I wouldn't carry a Louis Vuitton bag if my life depended on it. Unless it were free, in which case I'd write MY name all over it. Or possibly if they managed to make one without gold-toned hardware. I will admit to fleeting temptation when the Murakami bag came out, but it's just not me.

Some of the other searches make perfect sense, especially the marabou Christmas tree. If I had any inclination to celebrate Christmas, I'd order one right away. Maybe I'll settle for a non-denominational wreath. What is a better symbol of pagan fertility than pink marabou? As for the rest of the terms, I am sure you have your reasons, but please do not tell US about them.

I have also added 3 breathtakingly lovely ladies to the left sidebar. There's Heather Armstrong, who I first caught guest-blogging at Coudal Partners. Then there's Anna at Absolutely Vile, spotted via Look's journal. I am almost hesitant to link to Anna because she has a smashing pink design that seemed to require talent and actual effort. It puts ours to shame, hot dirty shame. I found Look through a friend of a friend's LiveJournal. Anyway, they all crack my shit up or make me, y'know, think about, like, stuff. And lots of photos never hurt.

Back to the steppes of Hell. Er...work.
